Optimization cheatsheet in React

1) Code splitting Lazy loading + Suspense wrapper over lazy loaded components

// import About from './views/About'
// import Contact from './views/Contact'
// import Home from './views/Home'
const Home = lazy(() => import('./views/Home'));
const About = lazy(() => import('./views/About'));
const Contact = lazy(() => import('./views/Contact'));

2) Optimize re-renders
• Wrapping function that is being passed as a prop with useCallback hook to preserve referential integrity
• memoising derived/computed values passed as a prop with useMemo
• memoising components with memo
• state collocation: reducing the number of re-renders by moving state down
• lifting a component up and passing it as a prop

3) Optimizing long lists with React Virtual
We are passing a config object with the following properties:
• size - the number of items in the list
• parentRef - the ref that contains the parent element which is scrollable
• estimateSize - a function that returns an estimated size of the items
• overscan - the number of items that should be loaded behind and ahead of the current window

4) Throttle and Debounce events to prevent frequent re-renders

export function throttle<T extends (...args: any) => unknown>(
  callback: T,
  delay: number
) {
  let timerId: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;
  let inThrottle: boolean;
  let lastTime: number;

  return (...args: Parameters<T>) => {
    if (!inThrottle) {
      lastTime =;
      inThrottle = true;
    } else {

      timerId = setTimeout(() => {
        if ( - lastTime >= delay) {
          lastTime =;
      }, Math.max(delay - ( - lastTime), 0));
export function debounce<T extends (...args: any) => unknown>(
  callback: T,
  delay: number
) {
  let timerId: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;

  return (...args: Parameters<T>) => {
    if (timerId) clearTimeout(timerId);

    timerId = setTimeout(() => {
    }, delay);

5) Paying attention to Tree-shakeable library imports

//Not tree-shakeable
import _ from 'lodash';
import { get } from 'lodash';

import get from 'lodash/get';
import { get } from 'lodash-es';